Short desciption
This will be a object oriented wrapper written in C++ that provides
realtime functionalty for the linux os. Here follows a list of objects
that will be created: Task, Event, Mutex, Condition, Semaphore, Tunnel,
Channel, Message, ...
Communication between threads
Pipe, Channel
Direct communication: The sending thread sends a message to a
known thread. The sending thread knows for sure that the receiving threads
gets the message.
Indirecte communicatie: The sending thread sends a message.
The message will be received by another thread, but the seding thread don't
know who takes the message.
Synchrone communicatie: A thread locks on a specified point
in the code. The thread will be unlocked by another thread. Hereby the two
threads will be sychronized at that place.
Asynchrone communicatie: A thread sends a message en goes further
with execution of his task. An other thread get the message on a time.
The two thread are not synchronized.
Project information
This project will be done from september till december 2002. It is
a school project from the HSZuyd (Heerlen). Further information can be
found at the sourceforge site:
Sourceforge pojectpage:
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